LABORATORY TESTS prove the strength of Ram-Lock. Nothing tells the story better than a perfect performance record with our customers for over 5 years!
Ram-Lock was originally brought to market as part of the Hurricane Katrina Retrofit program through FEMA and the Mississippi Department of Insurance. Whether your concern is exposure to a Catagory IV hurricane, an F-3 tornado or a two-legged intruder, Ram-Lock is proven to give permanent protection to your doorjamb and deadbolt.
Fenestration Laboratory in Miami, FL tested Ram-Lock against ASTM Standards E1886, E1996, and E330.
These tests proved that Ram-Lock withstands windblown objects at 156 mph.
The static force tests replicated direct winds exceeding 190 mph - showing Ram-Lock will withstand positive forces of a Catagory V hurricane and the negative pressure of an F3 tornado.
Click Here for Test Results
Hyperion Engineering Group in Tupelo, MS, used the air cannon they use to test the car of the "Storm Chasers" to test Ram-Lock.
This test replicated tree limbs battering a door in a Catagory V hurricane or F3 tornado
TAPCO performed the first wind test on the Ram-Lock prototype. An 8 foot 2x4 was fired at the test door from 16 feet away traveling 23 feet per sec- ond (156 mph).
An unprotected door (no Ram-Lock) was shattered; then two shots were fired at 156 mph with Ram-Lock installed, and there was only cosmetic damage noted. Finally, a 195 mph missile was fired - it twisted the deadbolt, but left Ram-Lock undisturbed.